Saturday, October 10, 2009

Interesting Stuff

Strange phenomena has a way of reaching me at almost every turn.

So, the strange phenomena with my weight this week had been this:

Wednesday, I have my late night classes. Despite actually trying to eat healthy (meaning going to the supermarket and looking at their salads and whatnot), I somehow end up not eating healthy (I got two pieces of chicken and a spinach knish- sounds alright, right?). Turns out my choices taste terrible and I end up doing what I always avoid doing- eating at school. If you've ever been to a college campus, you know there's nothing but crap there. So, I try to do my best, but to no avail really. I get the itty bitty sushi package (I know, I was saving sushi for later- but I haven't had it since, I promise) and try to peel off as much rice as possible (that's an old trick I learned from my mom to make things healthier- it's like peeling off the fried part of the chicken. But if your whole point was to go out for fried chicken, then you're fucked really).

Long story above made vaguely shorter- I gained two pounds.

So, the next day I do everything in my power to be good. I have my usual breakfast (a bowl of cereal) to get me through the morning, a salad at lunch, chicken and vegetables for dinner, and some snacks along the way (me being me, the exercise has currently been postponed because my body is trying to get sick. But I work with kids and go to school so THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN). What happens? I barely lose anything. The next day, the scale tells me I've lost .2 pounds. Well, bring out the champagne, we're celebratin'!

Yesterday, I got a speeding ticket- again. It was awful- I really honestly didn't think I was going to fast, but Officer Dillhole seemed to think otherwise (he wasn't too bad actually, but he could've been nicer I guess). So, here I am in front of my friends, crying because of my speeding ticket, unable to breath due to slight sickness, and what do I do? I say fuck it and eat more crap that evening than I've eaten in the past two months. I was super regretting it later and that makes sense because good-tasting food spikes different chemicals in your brain, making you happy when you eat it but then regretting it later (depending on what it was).

And then I woke up just this morning- I was a pound lighter.


Strange phenomena. I'll tell ya. So, back to my original lost weight and I just gotta keep trucking. I don't want to self-inflict any plateau here.

Later yall.

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