Thursday, September 3, 2009

Day 4

I might want to come up with more clever titles for my entries. You would then be able to see whether or not it was a good day or a "Fuck-this-crap-I'm-gonna-eat-a-pound-of-cake" day. Well, today was a good day- I lost a little more (my to-scale scale...see, I made a math pun. That's a first. Anyway, my super duper scale does weight by 258.7 and all that). I'm down to 256.2, yay! I lost weight despite the fact...
I...possibly...maybe...didn't exercise last night.
*waits to be stoned*
Not that stoned! THAT stoned would just make me eat more. While I'm trying to lessen my portions, I'm not doing that stupid thing where you starve yourself to be thinner. That never works- I want to say especially with me. If I go too long without eating, I start to get shaky and then I scarf down whatever I can get my hands on. No, not one of my excuses for eating whatever I want- it's the super truth.
Although I will be honest- tonight I was so jonesing for chocolate (yeah yeah, jonesing for chocolate, stoned, big fat drug addict, yada yada yada). However, I had a giant epiphany my father has been trying to get through my head since I was 13- I can have a bite or two of something AND THEN BE DONE WITH IT! Like there are some things I can't stop eating- cookies (God help me, I love eating cookies...and baking cookies...and rolling around in cookie, scratch that last part) being the main thing.
Speaking of which, since my parents don't like me making too many treats (none of us need to be fatter- not the exact words, but the gist of it), I'm only allowing myself to bake once a month (with the exception of tomorrow because I'm baking cookies for my parents. Special request, DON'T COUNT, NAH NAH NAH NAH!). My friends will probably be kinda disappointed as I am the self-designated baker and bake for all of their birthdays/because I freakin' feel like it. But, they will be strong...and learn to bake for themselves. C'mon guys!...just kidding. Ish.
Randomly moving on, since I didn't exercise last night, I doubly exercised tonight. I know that doesn't really work, but I did it because I can/needed to/am fat. After all, that is one of the main points of this whole thing, right? Other than to gain the adoration of the strange internet people *waves* hi! I can't see you, but I think you're cute. Thanks for reading.
Anyway, my weirdness aside, today was good on the food front and even better on the exercise front (especially since some of the exercise comes from working with three year olds. I run after them so much that I get exercise just by going to work. But, they are super adorable- one of them handed me a baby doll today and said, "Here's a baby." It made me laugh).
Alright, sports fans, I know this has been super interesting, but I like to think that I vaguely entertain you/enlighten about my existance. I know your life was bland without it (kidding, just kidding).
I'mma gonna go jiggle off to my friend's house. 'Til tomorrow, darlings!
*jiggle jiggle*

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