Sunday, September 27, 2009

Here's to being a Jew

'Cause on the Yom Kippur diet, I don't get to eat for 24 hours! Isn't that...something...

I find myself lagging in this. It might be because of the mass amount of paperwork that has been shitted on me since last I wrote. Or it could be my perpetual laziness. Who knows.

I have no given up on myself though. I'm still dieting and I'm doing ok. Nothing major unfortunately- but I'm doing alright. Exercising and not gaining any weight back.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong- I'm following a new diet that's great. It has me eating salads and eggs and all kinds of good things. And I've been monitoring myself for cheating- I can honestly say this is the best I've ever been when it comes to cheating. Truly. Maybe it's because my diet allows me dark chocolate. That might be it.

I went ice skating and laser tagging yesterday- I highly recommend it for workout purposes. Warning: ice skating will cause blisters. Trust me, people.

However, laser tagging is great because not only do you run around shooting people, but the adrenaline is so much that your heart is beating quickly. You're working out your heart which is good. Adrenaline helps- so long as it doesn't get overwhelming.

Anyway, that's about it for now. As it stands, I'm 255 and workin' my way slowly down. When I get to 10 pounds lost, I'm celebrating by buying a new t-shirt. Yay!

Alrighty all, off to write my paper. Fun.

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