Monday, September 7, 2009


Ok, this weekend has been sort of surreal- but in my mind, in order to continue with this, I have to keep my eye on the prize. So going this long without writing (unless previously established it will happen) will not happen again. This keeps me motivated on my target.
Wow, I sounded like weird military dude right there, didn't I?
Anyway, this weekend has been filled with sitting on my butt watching movies, so now I need to kick it back up. Routine is always really good for me because it keeps me focused on my goals. Except now I have stupid homework I need to do. And my job. This becomes tougher by the day.
But, for the most part I don't have many temptations anymore. The only reason I did this weekend was because...of human nature. Anyone who is a girl knows (and now because it's super obvious, anyone who is NOT a girl e.g. guys knows).
I'm exhausted from having a weekend away from responsibilities. It was sublime. Now, I just need to do all my homework and keep my job and lose weight and see my friends and it should be easy!
I hope I'm not fucked.
This update sucks, I know. I'll write better tomorrow for sure.
Keep your faith in me. Lord knows I'm trying to keep mine.

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