Saturday, September 12, 2009

There's the good news and the bad news

Good news: I lost another pound, once again making my tally 5 pounds

Bad news: (despite being in part of being good) It was because the South arose again. Or is it the North? I suck at history.

Good news: I've been getting a lot better at exercise and can see some change in my body (muscle-wise)

Bad news: I might be getting sick, so it'll halt everything: school, work, exercise. FUCK!

I cannot, will not, get sick! I won't! I wanna throw a temper tantrum dammit- I WON'T GET SICK!

Y'know what's weird is that I have a pretty good idea where it came from. The little kids where I work have been coughing and of course, they don't know to cover their mouths. Strangely enough, the little boy who started all the coughing yesterday wasn't there. And now today I feel kinda like shit- super.

Not only that, but my heterosexual life partner wants to exercise with me! And I want to- so stop it body! I will lose weight and I WILL NOT get sick.

The good news? Determination! Yay!

So, to make a long story short, I'm thinner but feel like shit. Woo! We'll see where this takes me...

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